Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pumpkin, Cabbage, Onions, Mint? (and More!)

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pumpkin?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat pumpkin. However, pumpkins should be fed sparingly and in moderation. The disproportionality in calcium phosphorous ratio makes pumpkin a threat if consumed daily.

Before serving your dragon pumpkin, remove all the seeds. This is because seeds are inedible, and if taken, they are more likely to obstruct its digestive system.


Bearded Dragons

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Red Cabbage?

Yes, but not as a staple food. Cabbages are nutrient-dense veggies which cannot be omitted from a beardies diet. However, cabbages should only be fed occasionally, i.e., no more than twice a month. 

Some of the red cabbage nutrients include Vitamins A, K, B9, and many more antioxidants that foster good health and strong bones.

It’s worth noting that the calcium to phosphorous ratio in red cabbage is proportionate, which is a positive thing.

Foods abundant in phosphorous should be served to dragons infrequently. If fed routinely, the excess phosphorous is more likely to interfere with your pet calcium absorption, resulting in a more severe illness known as Metabolic Bone Disease.

This is usually the case when foods rich in phosphorous are served to dragons routinely.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mustard Greens?

Yes, mustard greens are healthy for bearded dragon’s consumption. The high content of calcium and low phosphorous content makes mustard greens a superb choice to feed your reptile as part of its plant-based diet.

Mustard greens should be fed routinely due to the presence of essential nutrients that are vital for beardies.

The only drawback of mustard greens is that they contain moderate levels of oxalic acid, which is a substance that can pose health concerns on bearded dragons.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Green Onions?

No, bearded dragons should never be fed onions.

Green onions are rich in phosphorous, calcium, protein, fiber, and water, which are vital to a dragon’s health. However, their acidic nature renders them unfit for consumption. Also, the ratio of calcium to phosphorous is disproportionate, making them unhealthy for consumption.

The same applies to all foods with high phosphorous and low levels of calcium as they’re more likely to obstruct the absorption of calcium resulting in Metabolic Bone Disease.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Iceberg Lettuce?

No, bearded dragons should not eat iceberg lettuce whatsoever. This is because iceberg lettuce offers low nutritional value and has a high water content that can cause bloating, diarrhea, and digestive complications when consumed. Though administering petty amounts to your dragon is unlikely to them, there are no valuable nutritional benefits of doing so. Instead, focus on alternative nutritious vegetables.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mint?

Yes, but not as a staple food. Mint leaves are rich in nutrients, and their only concern is high water content. Feeding these leaves routinely can pose health problems to your bearded dragon and thus the need to do it occasionally.

Mint leaves have the recommended calcium to phosphorous ration, making it ideal for beardies intake. Besides, mint leaves are abundant in nutrients such as Vitamins A, C, D, and B6, sodium, iron, magnesium, and many more.

The only concern is that they have high water content making it less ideal for bearded dragons. Hence, mint should be fed sparingly.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Butternut Squash?

Yes, bearded dragons do eat butternut squash. However, butternut squash should be cut into small pieces before availing it to dragons. This is because dragons have a delicate digestive system.

These pets really love butternut squash, and this is evident when served as they normally eat it hungrily.

Butternut squash has high nutritional content, which is vital for beardie wellbeing. Nonetheless, it should only be feed occasionally and not as a staple diet.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raisins?

No, bearded dragons should never eat raisins. Nevertheless, some nutritionists and experts are of a different opinion. Raisins are rich in sugar and have disproportionate calcium to phosphorous ratio, making it unfit for beardie consumption.

According to some experts,’ raisins are harmless and cannot pose a threat to beardies health. However, this doesn’t mean that raisins are an ideal option to include in your beardies diet.

Instead, switch focus to other options that add nutritional value to your beardie.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Red Peppers?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat red peppers as a treat and in moderate quantities. They should be fed occasionally alongside staple food. Red peppers have a high phosphorous to calcium ratio, which can threaten a dragon’s health. The only ideal foods are those with high calcium to phosphorous ratio. As mentioned earlier, high amounts of phosphorous can interfere with the normal absorption of calcium in a dragon’s body.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Swiss Chard?

No, bearded dragons should not eat Swiss chard whatsoever. This is because it is too acidic, and the ratio of calcium to phosphorous is disproportionate, making it unfit for a dragon’s consumption.

The other concern is high water content, which causes diarrhea, among other digestive complications.

If you have to feed Swiss chard, do it in small quantities and infrequently.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Yellow Squash?

Yes, they can, but not as a staple food. To feed yellow squash, cut it into tiny pieces as large pieces are more likely to chock them. Peel off the skin before chopping it into small pieces.

Yellow squash is abundant in nutrients, focal to the health of your pet. Despite this, yellow squash should be fed sparingly.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Aloe Vera?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat aloe vera given a chance. However, it should be fed sparingly. It should not be used as a staple food either. Nonetheless, this is a decent and safe plant for your habitat.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Eggplant?

No, bearded dragons should not feed whatsoever. This is because they are very acidic for them and would probably ruin their health.

Hence, if you have been feeding your dragon eggplant, know that you have been doing it more harm than good.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Nectarines?

Yes, but not as a staple diet. Nectarines have unproportioned calcium to phosphorous ratio, too much acidity, and sweetness that is unhealthy for beardies. Due to this, nectarines should be fed in small quantities and infrequently.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Radicchio?

Yes, but on rare occasions. This is because of calcium to phosphorous discrepancies, which is unhealthy for them. The other reason is radicchio is too acidic for the bearded dragon.

If you have to feed your dragon radicchio, do it moderately.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sugar Snap Peas?

No, they are unfit for consumption. They are very acidic for dragons to handle. Additionally, the calcium to phosphorous ratio is disproportional.

If you have to feed them, do it sparingly and in small quantities.