What Eats

What Eats Lizards?

With hundreds of varieties of lizards, they are usually near the bottom of the food change. However, many lizards have interesting skills that help them avoid predators who choose to snack on them. This includes their speed, their ability to camouflage and adapt to their surroundings, and their ability to skim across water. There are

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What Eats Monkeys?

There are approximately 264 known species called monkeys. These small to medium-sized primate usually have a long tail. Most live in trees, but some species can be found in the savannah or in mountain habitats. They all have different facial shapes, and colorings. Still these playful animals attract attention wherever they are found. [ez-toc] What

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What Eats Raccoons?

There are seven species of nocturnal animals known as raccoons, found almost everywhere. These animals are omnivores, and go wherever they can find food, including moving into areas with human habitation that provide easy access to whatever we choose to leave behind. The most well-known, the North American Raccoon, can easily be recognized by the

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What Eats Snails?

With thousands of different species found in a wide variety of habitats, snails are known as gastropod mollusks. The main thing that differentiates them one from the other is whether they live in the water or on land. Snails come in many different sizes. Land snails breathe air, aquatic snails breathe water. No matter the

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What Eats Snakes?

Snakes. They startle even the bravest soul, slithering by in near silence. Some find them fascinating, others terrifying. A rattle of warning from one of these legless, carnivorous reptiles will put anyone on alert. Spotting a snake in your garden might lead to a search for information–poisonous or safe? While these mysterious creatures seem so

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What Eats Spiders?

Spiders. With over 45,000 different species found all over the world, these 8-legged arthropods have certainly crawled their way into the nightmares of many humans. When you think about it, it’s fascinating how much terror even the tiniest of these creatures (like the .011 in. long Samoan moss spider) can instill in humans. Perhaps some

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What Eats Squirrels?

Squirrels. They are everywhere. They are the playful distraction that makes dogs and people say “squirrel.” You look out at your bird feeders, and a squirrel does amazing acrobatic feats to get at those delicious treats. Sometimes you can even begin to recognize them and give them special names. Until they disappear. They could be

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What Eats Wasps?

Wasps, aggressive little insects sometimes called hornets, have a painful sting. Although their aggression really comes when they feel threatened or to protect their nests (or their family) this sting is enough to help ward off predators. With over 110,000 identified species (and more yet to be identified) wasps lie at the top of the

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